Arthritis is a medical condition that is characterized by inflammation in the joints. While there many different forms of arthritis, this disease always causes joint pain, swelling and stiffness. Arthritis is most commonly associated with the hands, but it can occur in nearly every joint in the body.
One of the best ways to limit your troubling symptoms is by eating the right foods. A poor diet will exacerbate your already painful symptoms by causing your arthritis to flare up. These are 12 different food items you should avoid consuming if you currently have arthritis.
Sugar is extremely dangerous for people with arthritis. Sugar triggers the body to release a protein called cytokine. This small protein causes inflammation in the body, which will lead to a painful arthritis flare-up. Since you do not want to increase the severity of your symptoms, it is best to avoid all sweet snacks. This includes chocolate, candy and pastries.
Your daily sugar consumption goes well beyond the foods you put in your mouth. There is also a very good chance that you getting too much sugar through your beverages. Soda is absolutely loaded with sugar. You may think fruit juice is a safe alternative, but this drink also contains way too much sugar for anyone dealing with arthritis. The healthiest drink option will always be water. If you absolutely cannot give up your sugary drinks, then opt for a diet soda with artificial sweeteners.
Barbeque sauce and ketchup are popular condiments that you likely consume on a regular basis. Unfortunately, these delicious food items are loaded with sugar. This is a big problem because most people would not consider barbeque sauce and ketchup sugary foods. Sugar is hiding in a lot of prepackaged food items, so make sure to check before buying anything. The sugar content will be clearly marked on every package.
Red meat may be a great source of protein, but it is also extremely high in saturated fats. Excessive consumption of saturated fats is linked to increased levels of cholesterol and inflammation. The inflammation is caused because red meat contains a lot of advanced glycation end products. There is no healthy way to cook red meat when you have arthritis, so it is best to completely avoid it.
High-fat dairy products are another group of food that are loaded with saturated fats and advanced glycation end products. The dairy products that are the worst for your health are cheese, butter, and cream cheese. Just like red meat, consuming these products will lead to increased pain and swelling in the joints affected by arthritis. Since milk does not contain a lot of fat, it is generally safe to drink. Just make sure to avoid whole milk.
Alcohol consumption is linked to a number of health risks. One of the biggest problems associated with alcohol consumption is increased inflammation throughout the body. This is dangerous for everyone, but it is especially dangerous for people suffering from arthritis. There is essentially no way to avoid an arthritis flare-up after you have a few drinks. Cutting out alcohol will help you feel better by reducing your inflammation and letting you sleep better at night.
Refined carbohydrates are grains that have had most of their fiber and nutrients removed. One of the most commonly eaten refined carbs is white bread. These foods increase the body's blood glucose levels after they are digested. This increase in blood sugar naturally worsens your inflamed joint pain. This can cause even more damage if you are suffering from diabetes and arthritis at the same time. Eat whole grain bread the next time you want a sandwich.
Pasta is another popular refined carbohydrate that a lot of people consume on a regular basis. Pasta is also dangerous for arthritis sufferers because it contains high levels of gluten. This group of proteins is found in most grains, and it can cause increased body inflammation and joint pain in anyone with gluten sensitivities. Millions of people in the United States are sensitive to gluten, and the vast majority of these people have no idea about their condition. Eating whole grain or gluten-free pasta will let you enjoy your favorite dishes without affecting your arthritis.
While almost everyone should try to cut down on their salt intake, this is even more important when dealing with arthritis. Several medical studies have found that excessive salt intake can increase the severity of your arthritis symptoms. It will also put you at a greater risk of developing joint inflammation in another area of the body. Canned soup, shrimp, nuts and cured meats are just a few of the common foods loaded with salt.
Pizza is easily one of the most popular foods in the country. It is hard to find someone that does not enjoy a delicious slice of pizza. You may want to reconsider your next pizza delivery if you are currently dealing with joint inflammation. Virtually every ingredient found on a pizza can worsen your arthritis symptoms. You will get an overload of refined carbohydrates, salt, dairy, and sugar on every piece of pizza. If you are really craving pizza, then it is best to make one at home. This lets you use healthy ingredients that will not lead to a flare-up.
Processed foods will destroy the health of everyone, but they do a lot more damage when you are already suffering from arthritis. Processed foods contain a ton of trans fats, salt, and preservatives to help them last a long time. All of these dangerous ingredients will lead to increased inflammation. Fast food, frozen meals, and chips are just some of the commonly consumed processed foods. It is never worth risking your health just because you want a quick meal.
The last thing that needs to be avoided if you have arthritis is fried food. The act of frying food drastically increases your fat intake. This is because the vegetable oils used for frying are loaded with omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These dangerous fats are routinely linked to increased inflammation. Roast or grill your food instead of frying. This will improve your health without sacrificing flavor.
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